
Over 30 years of nutritional
expertise and excellence

Sunlustre Story

A-One Feeds Supplements Ltd were one of the first companies in the UK to recognise the full potential of improving soya and using it as a protein source.

Soya represents around 50% of the world oil seed crop and is widely used as a protein source in monogastric animals. However, raw soyabeans contain a variety of anti-nutritional factors that have a deletrous effect on animal performance. These anti-nutritional factors are specifically protease inhibitors and lectins. Protease inhibitors lead to the prevention of the digestion of protein. They do this by blocking the protein digestive enzyme trypsin and preventing it from breaking down proteins in the digestive tract. Lectins affect the ability to absorb proteins in the gastro-intestinal tract by binding to the intestinal membranes and altering their efficiency at absorption.

Fortunately, these anti-nutritional factors are heat liable; however there is a fine line between excessive heat damage, which greatly reduces the protein quality and inadequate heat treatment, leading to poor protein digestion.

This is where A-One Feed Supplements unique extrusion process allows for the creation of 'Sunlustre Full-Fat Soya' a protein source that is both low in anti-nutritional factors and high in protein quality and content.

This manufacturing process involves a two stage process of controlled steam cooking and wet extrusion that does not impair the protein quality.

  • The controlled use of steam significantly reduces the levels of the anti-nutritional factors
  • It simultaneously allows for better amino acid availability through the use of wet heat, as opposed to dry heat
  • The process also maximises nutrient availability by breaking down plant cell material, making these nutrients more accessible for digestion

More specifically, this wet extrusion process is the most efficient means of converting soya into an excellent protein and fat source by:

  • Reducing lectin, which hamper absorption through the intestines
  • Lowering trypsin inhibitor levels, thus allowing more efficient digestion
  • Maximising oil availability through cell rupture with minimum protein damage

For further information on The Sunlustre Story please download our pdf file SunlustreStory